Virtual reception

71-202-22-55 (1167)

Regulations of the helpline

Hotline regulation

 Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Hotline 1167 receiving by phone”


1. Service describtion (Passport)

1.1. Service name

Reception of applications by "Hotline" number 1167.

1.2. Service result

To organize and control the timely, complete and strictly complying with the requirements of the law, ensuring the rights and interests of citizens by ensuring the rapid exchange of information in this regard.

1.3. Service Authority

Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan

1.4. Legal framework

Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on appeals of individuals and legal entities”dated September 11, 2017 No. 445.

1.5. Service user

Individuals and legal entities of the Republic of Uzbekistan or their legal representatives.

1.6. Duration of execution

According to the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on appeals of individuals and legal entities”, the appeal is considered within fifteen days from the date of arrival of the Ministry of Transport, which is obliged to resolve the issue in content, and when further study and (or) verification, request for additional documents, within a month.

In cases where it is necessary to conduct an examination for consideration of Appeals, request additional materials or take other measures, the terms of their consideration can be extended by the head of the Ministry of Transport, through an exceptionally justified notice, for a maximum of a month, which will be reported to the applicant.

The proposal will be considered within a month from the date of arrival at the Ministry of Transport, with the exception of proposals that require further study, which will be reported in writing within ten days to the individual or legal entity that submitted the proposal.

2. Providing information to service recipients

2.1. Data size and composition:

The final response letter on the appeals considered in the field services of the ministry describes specific information on the solution of the issue presented in the appeal.

2.2. More details

The appeal of an individual to the fact that his previous appeal on exactly one issue is not answered is explained to the author about it if the period of consideration established by law has not passed.

2.3. Legal advice on the application

Legal advice to the authors of the appeal is prohibited by the employees of the ministry.

3. Service

3.1 working hours

Applications are received continuously through the” hotline " for 24 hours.

4. Order of Service

4.1. Fee charged for service

Service for reviewing appeals of individuals and legal entities – free of charge.

4.2. Grounds for rejection

In the event that the author does not provide information on his person, it is explained that he will not be considered an appeal of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "on appeals of individuals and legal entities

5. Quality assurance

5.1. Quality indicators

To create favorable conditions for the implementation of Appeals of individuals and legal entities received by the Ministry of Transport, as well as to effectively ensure their rights, freedoms and interests.

5.2. Complaint of poor quality service

When there is no satisfaction with the service provided, individuals and legal entities have the right to appeal in the manner prescribed by law.



