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The Institute of Advancement and Retraining of Motor Transport Employees of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan announces a competition for teaching staff

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05.08.2022 10758 Yangiliklar

The Institute of Advancement and Retraining of Motor Transport Employees of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan announces a competition for teaching staff:

Head, deputy head, head of the transport department and (or) traffic safety specialists of legal entities engaged in transportation of passengers and goods by road, responsible for ensuring transportation safety;

(Directions of lessons: Management of motor transport enterprises, organization and management of transport by motor transport, ensuring traffic safety in the transportation of passengers and cargo, vehicle structure and their operation, transport logistics)

Drivers engaged in international cargo transportation in vehicles;

(Directions of lessons: organization of international car transport, national legislation on road safety, normative-legal documents regulating the technical requirements of vehicles, insurance of motor vehicle risks).

Drivers engaged in transportation of dangerous goods;

(Directions of the lesson: rules for transporting dangerous goods by road, requirements for drivers transporting dangerous goods, "Requirements and standards of the European Agreement for the carriage of dangerous goods on international roads)

Announces an open independent competition for pedagogic personnel to teach on the basis of a contract in professional development courses:

In order to participate in the competition, candidates must send their references electronically to

Applications will be accepted until August 15, 2022 (also today).

Requirements for teaching staff:

Education: Higher, at least a bachelor's degree is required.

Qualifications: Advanced professional education, degree or academic title in automotive or technical field preferred.

Work experience: Must have at least 2 years of work experience in this field and at least 2 years of work experience in the field.

Knowledge of the state language: Perfect knowledge of the state language. During the conversation, he should be able to express his thoughts organically and perfectly in oral and written speech.

Knowledge of foreign languages: Knowledge of at least 1 foreign language, preferably Russian, and knowledge of English and other foreign languages ​​is preferred. In this case, it is preferable to have a national or internationally recognized certificate that determines the level of knowledge of foreign languages.

Computer literacy: Having minimal knowledge and skills in using computer technologies, being able to use the office suite of MS Office applications and the Internet. Must have practical skills in applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Assess and working on the Internet.

Additional requirements.

Conducting educational work with students based on state requirements, constantly improving their qualifications.

The content of training courses (relevant topic lecture text, presentation, video lesson (15 minutes) and skills to prepare test tasks.
Having high professional skills in teaching.
Remuneration of teaching staff: it is carried out on the basis of the amounts and conditions of remuneration for professors and teachers of higher education institutions.

Pedagogical staff can get information about the Institute through the website