Virtual reception

71-202-22-55 (1167)

Organizations in the Ministry's system

Full name: tursunov jamshid yunusovich
Title: Chairman of the automobile roads committee
Phone: +998 (71) 239-41-52
Email :
Working days:
Full name: nazarov takhir alimjanovich
Title: Civil aviation agency
Phone: +99878-120-00-60
Email :
Working days:
Full name: karimov jamshid abdukhamidovich
Title: Head of the Transport Control Inspectorate
Email :
Working days:
Full name: djumayev doniyor ibragimovich
Title: Head of "UZAERONAVIGATION" center
Phone: 78 1402709, 78 1402710
Email :
Working days:
Full name: kholmatov bekhzad nurmatovich
Title: Director of the center for the study of problems of transport and logistics development
Phone: 71 202-05-00 (737)
Email :
Working days:
Full name: salikhov fakhriddin mukhuddinovich
Title: Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Road Transport Personnel
Phone: +99871 202-05-01 (500)
Email :
Working days:
Full name: iminov umidjon muradjanovich
Title: Director of LLC "Scientific research center of transport"
Phone: +99871 202-05-00 (713)
Email :
Working days:
Full name: usmanov rakhmonbek jakhongirovich
Title: Head of the state unitary enterprise "Toshkent metropoliteni"
Phone: +99871 245-56-03
Email :
Working days: Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 14:30 to 16:30
Full name: abdurakhmanov odil qalandarovich
Title: Rector of Tashkent state Transport university
Phone: +998 71 299-00-01
Email :
Working days: EVERY SATURDAY OF THE WEEK FROM 10:00 TO 12:00
Full name: khodjiev shokhruz gayratovich
Title: Director of the State Institution "Digital Transport Center"
Phone: +99871 202-05-01 (927)
Email :
Working days:
Full name: rasulov durbek ravshanovich
Title: Director of Uzavtovokzal service LLC
Phone: 71 202-05-01 (111)
Email :
Working days:
Full name: suyunov muhiddin jumabaevich
Title: General Director of "Uzautotrans service" LLC
Phone: +99871 207-87-02 (102)
Email :
Working days: