List of regulatory legal documents related to the field of river transport
1. "Regulations on the procedure for mandatory inspection during the construction, operation and repair of ships". Approved by the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 141 of May 5, 2016.
2. "Charter of Inland water transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan". Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of February 25, 1997 No. 106.
3. Rules of registration of vessels (registration number 2595, June 17, 2014).
4. Rules of cargo transportation by river transport (reg. No. 2468, 13.06.2013).
5. "Rules of navigation on inland waterways of the Republic of Uzbekistan". (List No. 796, July 9, 1999).
6. Rules of technical use of river transport. (list No. 990, December 6, 2000).
7. Rules for the prevention of pollution by inland navigation waters. (list No. 966, September 8, 2000).
8. Labor protection Rules for River Port workers (approved by Order of the Minister of Labor No. 133 of August 30, 2002).
9. "Standard norms of free provision of special clothing, footwear and other personal protective equipment for road and river transport workers" (List No. 1511, September 8, 2005).
10. "Rules of labor protection of river transport workers" (list No. 2067, January 14, 2010).
Information about river transport
In total, the register of the Ship Inspection of the Department of River Transport includes 224 vehicles (vessels) operated on inland waterways and water basins of the Republic of Uzbekistan, of which:
- transport vessels - 132 units;
- technical vessels - 74 units;
- auxiliary ships - 14 units;
- floating pontoon bridges - 4 units.
The Department of River Transport is a structural structure of the Department of Road and River Transport Development of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan and provides the activities of the Ministry of Transport with issues in the field of river transport.
The River Transport Department consists of the following departments:
a) The Register of Shipping of Uzbekistan (hereinafter - the Register).
b) Inspection of the vessel.
The State Administration authorized to carry out technical control and classification of self-propelled vessels with a main engine capacity of 55 kW or more, non-self-propelled vessels and watercraft with a carrying capacity of 80 registered tons or more is a body.
The Shipping Inspectorate is authorized to monitor the safe navigation of ships and floating vehicles and their intended use in accordance with the tasks set, as well as the safe and reliable transportation of goods in compliance with environmental standards and protection of human life on the ship. navigation on the inland waterways of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a public administration body.
The River Transport Department performs the following functions in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it:
- Develops proposals for improving the management system in the field of river transport;
- Develops proposals for the formation of the state investment policy in the field of river transport;
- prepares proposals for the formation of immediate and prospective state programs and departmental targeted programs for the socio-economic development of river transport;
- Develops proposals for the optimal use of inland waterways;
- Develops and implements a unified technical policy in the field of river transport;
- Participates in the development of proposals on transport security in the field of river transport;
- develops, analyzes the application and makes changes to regulatory and legal documents that establish technical requirements that ensure the protection of human life on the water, safe transportation of goods, safe navigation of watercraft and conditions of their use;
- Participates in the development of technical regulations in the field of river transport;
- Development of draft laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers requiring a decision of the Republic of Uzbekistan on river transport issues within the framework of the authority granted to the department in the field of river transport makes proposals to the Ministry of Transport on;
- The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan is preparing materials for consideration of river transport issues for the meetings of the Council;
- prepares materials for the conclusion, amendment, addition, cancellation and ratification of international treaties and intergovernmental agreements in the field of river transport;
- The implementation by the Republic of Uzbekistan of the provisions of international treaties and intergovernmental agreements within its competence develops activities;
- participates in the work of international organizations in the field of river transport and participates in the preparation of materials for international negotiations by the Republic of Uzbekistan;
considers appeals, applications and complaints of legal entities and individuals within the competence of the river transport department;
- Prepares materials in the field of river transport for posting on the website of the Ministry of Transport;
- organizes and conducts meetings, seminars and other events within its competence on river transport issues;
- Provides explanations to the constituent structures of the Ministry of Transport within its authority on river transport issues and requests from them the necessary information and documents;
Ensures the confidentiality of confidential information constituting a state secret, within the limits of its powers;
- Requests, in accordance with the established procedure, information, information and other documents necessary to perform the tasks assigned to it from subordinate departments, ministries, departments and other organizations of the Ministry of Transport;
- Lists and classifies vessels and floating vehicles used in the internal waters of the Republic of Uzbekistan, natural or artificially created reservoirs, conducts technical inspection;
- Ship certificates confirming the ownership of vessels and watercraft and giving the right to sail under the flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a classification certificate confirming their suitability for operation in technical condition, a certificate of seaworthiness, issues of prevention of oil pollution, sewage and garbage certificates and other documents provided for by the rules of the Register;
Monitors compliance by owners of ships and watercraft with the requirements of legislation, Register rules, environmental and sanitary standards related to the field of river transport;
- Determines compliance with the rules and requirements of the Register of Ships and Watercraft, as well as materials and equipment intended for the construction and repair of ships.
Receives and approves design and technical documentation of ships under construction in terms of compliance with local navigation conditions;
- Carries out technical control during the construction, repair and re-equipment of ships;
- Prohibits the use of ships and watercraft upon expiration of ship documents, if ships and watercrafts have deficiencies that threaten the safety of people, in violation of the requirements of ship operation, fire and sanitary safety rules;
- Participates in the work of the commission to verify the knowledge of the crew members of ships and watercraft on the basis of current guidelines and programs;
- Organization of the passage of communication lines, gas pipelines, drinking water and other pipelines through ports, marinas, shores, navigable water structures and fairways, installation of floating bridges and operation of cruise ships, reviews projects and gives conclusions;
- monitors compliance with the basic conditions and rules of international agreements of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of river transport by foreign and national cargo carriers;
- The River Transport Department performs other functions that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.