Air transport, aviation transfer — a type of transport that carries out the transportation of passengers, mail and cargo by air. Its advantage is that it greatly saves transportation time at the expense of high flight speeds, creates opportunities for establishing direct transport communication with addresses where there are no land and water routes.
Early air transport arose in European and American countries after the First World War. As a type of transport in Germany and France, it developed in 1920-21. The first air route in the Uzbek SSR was opened on May 12, 1929. On the Route Tashkent—Saint-father (Taroz) — Pish-Peck (Bishkek) — Alma-father with a length of 800 km, an initial passenger transport flight was carried out on the aircraft"Junkers—13"purchased from Germany owned by the Central Asian Department of the Russian volunteer air fleet society (Dobrolyot) (Kagan city). In the same year, Kagan—White-darkay—Darganota—Khiva and Bukhara—Termez—Monday airlines with a length of 450 km were opened. In 1924, a total of 1,000 passengers, 200 kg of postal items, 5 t of cargo were transported by Air Transport. From the beginning of the 1930s, cargo and passenger transport of the Uzbek SSR became public, since 1930 aircraft began to regularly travel on the Tashkent—Moscow route. Airports were built and launched in Tashkent (1932), Nukus and Urgench (1939), Termez (1940), Namangan (1941).
In the years after the Great Patriotic War, Il-12, Il—14. Li - 2 and An—2 aircraft of various modifications were transferred to Tashkent fleets. In 1957-58, TU—104, P—18, An-24, Yak-40 helicopters, Mi-1, Mi-2, Ka-26 helicopters were mastered on the air routes, An—24, Yak—40 aircraft began to operate on local airships. At the same time, Aviation was widely used when spraying mineral fertilizers and pest insect preparations on the fields, in the work of hyphae defoliation. New airports were built in Kokand (1947), Samarkand (1948), Karshi (1955), Bukhara (1963) and Sergeli (1961) near Tashkent. Aircraft Il-62 from 1974, Tu—154 from 1977, aerobuses Il—86 from December 1982 began to fly on the Republican air routes.
By 1980, the length of the air transport routes of Uzbekistan was more than 155 thousand km (including the length of local air routes was 60.1 thousand kilometers).
In accordance with the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan after the declaration of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on January 28, 1992, on the basis of the Department of Civil Aviation of Uzbekistan, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Civil Aviation of the former Union, the national airline "Uzbek Airways" was established.
Air transport is one of the leading sectors in the economy of Uzbekistan, serves to develop the country's international, economic, diplomatic, cultural relations with the outside world. Modern equipped air stations (airports)operate in Tashkent, Nukus, Samarkand, Bukhara, Urgench, Termez, Karshi, Namangan, Fergana, Navoi. Tashkent airport is the largest international airport in the Central Asian region. The airports of Bukhara, Samarkand, Urgench also have the status of an international airport. The national airline "Uzbekistan airlines" regularly operates 20 international flights. In the cities of Europe, America, Southeast Asia, the CIS countries, its 44 representative offices have been opened. During the years of independence, with the help of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1 billion was allocated to the aviation network. 200 million. An investment of US dollars was made and a developed modern infrastructure was built.
All international flights are carried out on aircraft Boeing 767/757, a-310, Yu-85. The national airline "Uzbekistan Airlines" cooperates in various fields with major European companies "Erbas Indastri", US companies "Boeing", Russian design bureau "Ilyushin", firms from Germany, France. As a result of such cooperation, Aerobus "Erbas" a-310—300, purchased by the National avia— company since 1993, "Boeing" liners began to fear passenger service on international flights. In 2004, the national airline" Uzbekistan Airlines "purchased 3 aircraft" Boeing 757 "and" Bo-ing 767", and the number of aircraft produced in Western countries reached 16.
For air transport of the Republic, pilots, technical service composition, ground service personnel will be prepared flying training and technical center of the national airline "Uzbekistan Airlines" (founded on May 15, 1943), Tashkent Aviation Institute (now closed). In 2003, Uzbekistan received 0.8 million dollars in air transport. passenger, 5.9 thousand t cargo was transported, passenger turnover was 3956.5 thousand passenger km, freight turnover was 95.3 thousand t / km.
Air transport in foreign countries is developed in the USA, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and other countries. In airlines in these countries, civilian aircraft for 300 or more passengers, heavy cargo transport aircraft are widely used.
It should be noted that in connection with the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 around the world, regular air travel in almost all countries, including our country, the introduction of restrictions on the implementation of international air travel by most countries continues to hinder the development of the airspace of the entire Sokha line in the Republic of Uzbekistan until now.
Taking into account this epidemic situation in Jahan, the Ministry of Transport in cooperation with the group of Jahan bank is developing plans for measures to get out of the crisis of the Air Force in the period after the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as specific implementation mehanisms.
As this situation is improved and existing restrictions are lifted and international air travel is restored, it is planned to modernize the airports of the Republic on the basis of the thrones of foreign consulates on a state-specific basis and to hold a tender for the management of trust.
In addition, in order to attract foreign airlines to the airports of the Republic for the restoration of air travel, relevant work is being carried out this year to declare discounts on airport services, to reduce the cost of air fuel.
In order to remove the restrictions on the number of airlines specified in the international agreements on air travel signed by the Republic of Uzbekistan with the relevant foreign countries, and to gradually restore regular flights, it is planned to introduce new international routes and routes that are attractive to foreign airlines in order to increase the transit peace of Uzbekistan in
Measures are being taken to increase nonaviaciya revenues through the introduction of parking lots, baggage storage spaces, the development of mechmonhones, Duty free, keitering services at the airports of the Republic, as well as to attract freight flights based on the regional salinity of airports.
In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned by the president to the Ministry of Transport in order to accelerate the development of the tourism sector and increase the physical activity of the economy, within the framework of the program for the development of pilgrimage tourism, it is planned to increase the number of flights in the current year by reducing the
In addition, in order to develop internal routes in our republic, relevant work is being carried out on the establishment of air travel services in the Fergana Valley, which connects such cities as Buhoro, Urgench.
Along with the establishment of these air tickets, the Ministry of Transport has developed a draft document on the introduction of a system for partially reimbursement of air ticket costs in these directions, which has now been sent to the relevant ministries and departments for agreement.
The introduction of this system, together with the creation of comfort for our compatriots, will lead to an increase in the air capacity of axoli.