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The Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan announces a tender for the selection of international consultants

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15.04.2020 10657 Yangiliklar

The Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan, aiming at effectively develop the country's transport industry, announces a tender to select international consultants for subsequent official work in the central office of the ministry.

The competition form is open;

The date of receipt of applications - from the date of publication of this announcement;

The deadline for receiving proposals is June 1, 2020;

Mail for receiving proposals:,;

For detailed information on the competition, you can contact on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time until the end of the acceptance of tender proposals by phone: (+998 71) 202-05-00 (116), 202-05-01 (786).

Competition information

  1. Objectives of consultants

Improving the public administration system in the field of transport, increasing the investment attractiveness and export potential of the republic, ensuring strategic development and sustainable functioning of transport communications, including the following areas:

1.1. Railway transport

2.2. Aviation and airports

3.3. Automobile transport

4.4. Road / highway facilities

  1. Tasks of consultants

The main tasks of foreign consultants is to provide advisory services on:

development of a unified state transport policy aimed at the harmonious development of all types of transport on the basis of their integration into a single transport network and the use of new efficient transport and logistics systems;

pursuing a unified tariff policy in the field of transport, aimed at stimulating the development of the transport market and logistics services, ensuring their availability for all categories of consumers, as well as attracting investment in the industry;

development of proposals and implementation of measures for the development of international transport corridors, improvement of the logistics system, efficient use of the country's transport potential, minimization of costs of business entities on transport and logistics services;

the development of public-private partnerships and increasing the investment attractiveness of the country in the field of transport and road facilities;

the introduction of advanced information technologies for digitalization of the entire transport system, the development and implementation of strategies for the prospective development of the Unified Interconnected Transport System of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

pursuing a unified technical policy in the field of roads, providing a comprehensive solution to the financing, design, construction, repair and operation of roads, airfields and airports, stations, railway and other transport infrastructure, taking into account the interests of users;

control in the field of transport, organization and accident and incident investigations with civil and experimental aircraft, as well as accidents and wrecks in railway and river transport;

ensuring the national interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the global market of transport services due to the development of international and regional cooperation in the field of transport and road facilities;

the introduction of systematic advanced methods of education, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, taking into account the current and future needs of the transport industry.

III. Requirement for consultants

3.1. Education, master's degree or PhD in the specialty (by mode of transport: railway, aviation, road transport, airport, road infrastructure, etc.).

3.2. Practical experience as a team leader in leading foreign logistics or transport companies for at least 5 years depending on the direction of work (by type of transport: rail, air, road transport, airport, road infrastructure, etc.).

3.3. Knowledge of the rules and procedures of international transport organizations and associations (OSJD, ICAO, ITAD, UITP, etc.), international and regional transport corridors (OPOP, TRACECA, CAREC, etc.) for trade and transit.

3.4. Experience in the preparation and implementation of program documents aimed at reforming and modernizing the transport sector.

3.5. The presence of business relations with representatives of international financial institutions and IFRS.

3.6. Age at least 40 years on the date of participation in the competition.

3.7. Fluency in Russian and English languages.

3.8. Knowledge of modern information technologies and the ability to use them in work.

3.9. The presence of a work plan for counseling, instructing and training in the field of transport and road facilities.

3.10. Experience in implementing successful projects; customer reviews and recommendations.

3.11. The quality of programs, products, technologies, the availability of copyright developments.

3.12. Membership in professional organizations and Associations.

3.13. Availability of research and practical publications, information and advertising materials.

  1. Hiring period of consultants

The contract for the provision of consulting services concludes for 5 years, with a trial period of 1 year from the date of finishing relevant procedures.