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Technical task to attract highly qualified specialists for the position of Head of the Transformation Office under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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25.10.2022 13641 Yangiliklar

Technical task to attract highly qualified specialists for the position of Head of the Transformation Office under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan

I. Brief information about the organization
Organization name Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Date of formation of the organization February 1, 2019 (Decree of the President of the Republic "On the organization of the activities of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan")

Main type of activity State administration for the development and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of development of road, rail, air, river transport, metro, as well as road facilities
Official website of the organization

The main regulatory documents Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 09, 2021 No. ZRU-706 “On Transport” (;
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 1, 2019 No. 5647 “On measures to radically improve the system of public administration in the field of transport”
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 01.01.2019 No. PP-4143 “On the organization of the activities of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (

II. Main tasks and functions
Transformation office under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Acceleration of transformational processes in the field of transport;
full satisfaction of the growing needs of the population and sectors of the economy in transport services and the involvement of the private sector in the industry to develop healthy competition in the market;
improvement of the corporate governance system in joint-stock companies in the field of transport;
expanding the network of external and internal routes of all types of transport, improving the quality of transport services, updating vehicles and infrastructures, attracting private and foreign investments and improving financing mechanisms;
improving the organizational and functional structure and operational activities of enterprises in the field of transport and road infrastructure, improving the quality, volume and productivity of labor in production and services, introducing digital and innovative solutions;
introduction of advanced information technologies for the digitalization of the entire transport system, development of strategies for the long-term development of the Unified Interconnected Transport System of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
III. Functional responsibilities
Functional responsibilities of the Head of the Transformation Office management of the implementation of tasks and functions of the Transformation Office;
preparation of proposals for the transformation of the transport industry, interaction with the highest authorities, as well as enterprises in the field of transport and road infrastructure within the powers on transformation issues;
development of a medium-term and long-term strategy for the development of the industry, taking into account international and world experience in reforming transport enterprises, together with the relevant departments and transport enterprises, and monitoring implementation;
development of proposals for attracting the private sector to the industry in order to develop healthy competition in the transport services market;
preparation of proposals for improving corporate governance in joint-stock companies in the field of transport, optimizing business processes, making changes to the organizational structure of companies aimed at implementing the tasks set within the Development Strategy;
preparation of information and reports to the leadership of the state, the Cabinet of Ministers on the implementation of the parameters of the Business Plan of enterprises in the industry, its specific indicators and the implementation of the Enterprise Development Strategy, as well as on transformation and other issues related to the activities of the Office;
other functions in the area of ​​the supervised issue.
IV. Requirements for a candidate
Requirements for the level of education Level of education - higher
MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree, Ph.D. and/or PhDs are welcome and will be taken into account during the interview without fail.
Work experience requirements At least 5 years of management experience in transport companies or in the field of transformation
Language skills Russian, English and Uzbek
IV. Terms of payment
The amount of payment is determined by the results of the interview.
V. Application procedure
To apply, Applicants must send a resume (CV) by e-mail or by 10.12.2022.
During the consideration of candidates, an interview is conducted (face-to-face or via videoconferencing).
For more information about vacancies, please call:
+99891 151-15-10 (Telegram), e-mail: Rashid Khakimov.