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Latvia - Uzbekistan: cooperation in the field of transport and logistics will rise to a new level

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18.08.2022 7314 Yangiliklar

Today, the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ilhom Mahkamov met with the Minister of Transport of Latvia Talis Linkaits. Issues related to the further development of cooperation in the field of transport and logistics were discussed at the meeting.

At the meeting, the parties agreed to effectively use the existing opportunities in road and rail transport, in particular, the potential of the port of Riga, provide discounts on the use of port services, and exchange permit forms electronically (E-permit) between countries in order to speed up the process of cargo transportation. system and transfer of transport documents to the electronic E-CMR form, as well as to increase the number of air flights on the Tashkent-Riga route, to organize postal cargo transportation through the airports of Uzbekistan.

At the meeting, Talis Linkayts emphasized that Uzbekistan is a strategic partner in the field of transport, and that it is beneficial for both sides to bring cooperation in the field of transport and logistics to a new level. In this direction, Latvia announced that it is ready to create all conditions for effective use of existing opportunities.


At the end of the meeting, the parties defined the tasks to be implemented in the future within the discussed areas of cooperation.