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A trip to a museum is a trip to the past

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26.08.2022 4319 Yangiliklar

The role of museums in educating a spiritually mature, perfect person is invaluable. After all, historical objects stored in museums, rare manuscripts, documents tell posterity about the history, life of our ancestors, their high spirituality.


This not only instills in the hearts of young people a sense of respect, respect and love for the heritage left by our ancestors, but also forms in them the feeling of being worthy of this dear Motherland.


Taking into account these aspects, the joint trade union committee of the Ministry of Transport, within the framework of the “Journey to the Past” program, organized a visit of employees of the central office of the ministry and its systems to the State Museum of the History of the Timurids.


“Self-awareness begins with an understanding of history. Our native Uzbekistan is a place of great history and great ancestors. Informing young people about the past and its lessons is one of the important tasks today, - said the chairman of the joint trade union committee of the Ministry F. Norkhuzhaev.


It is worth noting that such excursions are important for educating employees and the younger generation of a sense of love for the Motherland, pride in their ancestors, in their history.