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Cooperation with Singapore in the field of transport will be developed

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10.08.2022 6045 Yangiliklar

Deputy Minister of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdusamat Mominov met with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore to our country (with headquarters in Singapore) Zulkifli bin Baharuddin.


At the meeting, the parties discussed the prospects for the development of bilateral cooperation in the field of transport.


In particular, views were exchanged on the establishment of cooperation relations in the field of studying Singapore's advanced experience in areas such as public transport, regulation of taxi operations, elimination of traffic jams, and airport management.


The ambassador expressed confidence in providing practical assistance in this matter and that Singapore will become a strategic partner of Uzbekistan in this direction.


During the conversation, the parties agreed to intensify cooperation in this direction, noting the importance of accelerating the introduction of digital technologies and solutions in the field of transport.


At the end of the meeting, the parties determined the tasks to be implemented in the future regarding the further development of cooperation in the field of transport.