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A healthy lifestyle is the basis of a prosperous life

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08.08.2022 3091 Yangiliklar

In order to create conditions for employees to spend their weekends meaningfully and have fun in nature, as well as to create conditions for the foundation of a healthy lifestyle in families, a group of workers is located in the Bostonliq district of the Tashkent region by the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Transport. A two-day holiday was organized at the "Youth" camp.


In order to meaningfully organize the rest days at the camp, various sports competitions, spiritual and educational evenings, as well as within the framework of the "Team building" program, aimed at forming mutual support, trust and encouragement among employees events were held.


The winners of the table tennis, chess-checkers, volleyball, basketball, football sports competitions held with the participation of the employees were awarded with souvenirs of the joint trade union committee of the ministry.


- Our main goal is to strengthen the health of our employees, and through this to achieve labor productivity and efficiency during their work, - says F. Norkhodjayev, chairman of the joint trade union committee of the Ministry of Transport. - Adhering to a healthy lifestyle is the key to the development of various aspects of a person and success.