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Possibilities of starting a bus service from Fergana to Samarkand through Tajikistan are being studied

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12.08.2022 6401 Yangiliklar

Early today, the Yutong bus belonging to the "Uzautotrans service" company left Fergana autoshah station for the first technical service on the Fergana-Samarkand route.


Officials of the transport department of the Fergana region of the Ministry of Transport and a group of regional activists and intellectuals will be delivered to the destination as the first passengers of this route.


The first technical service on the Fergana-Samarkand route is transiting through the city of Khojand, Sogd region of the Republic of Tajikistan.


The distance of the Fergana - Samarkand bus route is 618 km, and it takes 12 hours and 50 minutes to cover this distance.