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Cooperation with Poland in the field of international freight traffic will be developed

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17.08.2022 5997 Yangiliklar

On August 9 this year, in order to ensure the fulfillment of the instructions given during the presentation to the head of state on the development and diversification of international transport corridors, a delegation headed by the Minister of Transport Ilkhom Makhkamov visited the Republic of Poland.


During the visit, a meeting was held in Warsaw with the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Poland, Rafał Weber, and the President of the Polish Association of International Road Carriers (ZMPD), Jan Buček. At the meeting, the current state and prospects for the development of bilateral cooperation in the field of international freight transport by road were discussed.


In particular, an exchange of views took place on the creation of favorable conditions for national carriers in the process of international freight traffic, the exchange of additional permits for bilateral, transit and freight traffic to / from third countries, the development of alternative transport corridors, based on the current situation.


The parties agreed to exchange an additional 1,000 permits in order to develop cooperation in the field of international freight transportation by road, as well as to hold a meeting of the Joint Commission on Transport Issues in Tashkent at the first opportunity.