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Announcement on vehicle tracking system using electronic seals

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13.08.2021 7425 Yangiliklar

Announcement on the involvement of interested organizations for the pilot-testing of the vehicle tracking system using electronic seals in international cargo transportation

According to the Decision of the State Customs Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 428 of July 8, 2021 "On the introduction of the system of tracking motor vehicles using electronic seals in international cargo transportation", "Through electronic seals O Prevention of illegal entry of goods into the customs territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and moving goods
and the introduction of the goods and vehicles tracking system in the test mode, which allows for timely measures to ensure quality customs control of vehicles, informs the following.
The following conditions must be fulfilled by the interested organizations participating in the experimental project on electronic seals:
1. The system of electronic seals is to be put into operation by service organizations on a voluntary basis at the initial stage (free of charge for a period of not less than 3 months or on 500 vehicles).
2. Provision of electronic seal software and server or other device (installation in DBQ);
3. The number of electronic seals should not be less than 50 (fifty).
4. It is carried out based on the requirements of the contract concluded between the State Customs Committee and interested organizations for the practical use of the electronic filling system.
Applications and proposals will be accepted until 18:00 on August 25, 2021.
The deadline for applications and proposals is the day they are registered with the State Customs Committee.
Proposals should be submitted based on the technical application developed by the State Customs Committee (attached).
For more information, call 99878 120-76-00 (ext. 53-35
and 53-07) you can contact phone number.
Documents are accepted at the following address: Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Islam Karimov street 3, index 100003.


Download technical application